Inflatable Placement Ideas

Once you’ve picked out your best yard inflatables for your home, knowing where to place them is the next step you’ll need to address. Typically you’ll want to place your inflatable somewhere in your front yard, that much is obvious. But let’s take a look at all aspects you should consider before setting things up.


Placing Your Yard Inflatable Checklist

Don’t over crowd your lawn!

Yard inflatables make awesome decorations that can really take your holiday decor to the next level of awesome, but it’s easy to get carried away. If you start putting up too many inflatables, it might be tough for the viewing to enjoy your display. They can start to feel claustrophobic and overwhelmed. It’s possible that fewer inflatables would have a bigger and more pleasurable impact.

crowded inflatables good-spacing inflatables


Place It For Maximum Viewing Angles

It’s easy to get a little lazy when you’re setting up your inflatable and not think about how it’s going to look from multiple viewing angles. Remember, yard inflatables are 3-dimensional works of art so it’s not always as easy as facing the inflatable away from your house.

Consider where your foot traffic is going to be coming from, as well as vehicular traffic. It would be a shame if trick-r-treaters couldn’t even tell what your great Halloween inflatable was until they walk all the way around it! If you use multiple inflatables you may want to offset the way they face, so there’s something for everyone to look at regardless of where they’re at.

halloween yard inflatable placement


Mix Up Your Heights

If you’re planning on buying multiple yard inflatables this year, try to mix up the heights, shapes, and widths of what you purchase. A greater variety will be more pleasing to the eye and make your display feel more lively.

inflatable height differences


Think About Lighting

Check out whether your inflatables have internal lighting or not. If not, then you want to be sure to place your inflatable near a light source so people will be able to see it during the night time. If it does have internal lights, then you may want to place it farther away from light sources, so the internal lights are more obvious and apparent. The internal lights of the inflatables can sometimes be easily drowned out by external light sources, so that’s something to watch out for and avoid.

turkey light inflatable


That sums up all of our most basic yard inflatable decoration advice! Be sure to keep these tips in mind when you’re shopping for your Valentine’s Day yard inflatables this year.

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